Thursday, July 3, 2008

OK PEOPLE, I know you are out there...

I'm dying to know, why does hardly anyone ever leave comments? Do only certain ladies whose names start with E love me? I just found out a bunch of you are reading this crazy blog, and now I wanna know, won't you please love me with a comment once in a great while?
Please? Loveablogger!

Or do I have the settings wrong and you can't get in or it's too complicated?
You can email me to let me know if that's easier. I'm not exactly a blog goddess, and have hardly explored how the whole thing works yet.

Happy Fourth of July everybody! I actually get my husband for the holiday this year! He usually worked nights or was too tired from working nights to come with me, so I had children crawling up my forehead as young toddlers when the fireworks went off.

Thanks for sticking the 4th on a Friday, honey!


  1. Um, people that start with E are not the only ones reading! LOL! I don't comment sometimes because you sometimes write about things I cannot relate to ( I.e. Battlestar Galatica). I will try to comment more often. Cherie

  2. Not a problem, Cherie! No, I was just generalizing! I felt like whining, and since it is my blog, I get to! :)
    Thanks for commenting as much as you do, I know both I and one of the E's appreciate it!

  3. ARGH. Francis, you gotta sign out of here, you .... argh!
    Anyway, this is me, and that Francis there, that's me too.

  4. I love you too & I check your blog almost every night. I'm just horrible about responding; I'm that way with email too. Maybe my attention span is only long enough for reading, & not long enough for writing too!


  5. the whole Francis/ annaberri thing cracked me up.... Cherie

  6. I'm hear too but my name starts with E! I don't check nightly, but frequently. The strawberries were yummy today, if you get a chance and want some I'd suggest going this week.
    God Bless, Elizabeth


I love comments! Especially thoughtful ones.