Thursday, July 3, 2008

Battlestar Galactica semi-spoiler and oil

Ok, I promise not to tell what really happened at the end of this year's stint of Battlestar Galactica, to be continued in 2009 for one more half-season. AAAAAAAAAAAAGH! I have to wait six months? Really?

In the Sci-fi channel's new rendition of the rather campy show Battlestar Galactica from a while ago, we have come upon the fourth and last season. The show is amazing with its themes of human nature, politics, religion and morality, on top of some amazing drama and science fun.

Right now, we've been eagerly awaiting two things. The Cylons were created as servant machines, and then went to war with humans. They had a long time out, and when the Cylons attacked again, it turned out they had made several models of themselves that looked like humans. Altogether, I think there are 13 models. Right? Someone correct me. Only seven had been revealed. The other five, even the Cylons didn't know, until one had a vision. It turned out four of the five were humans (they thought) on the BSG. The Cylons and the Humans both want to find a lost colony they call Earth. We still don't know who the fifth and final Cylon is.

At a certain point, everyone is fighting over who those four now-Cylons are and who they should be with, and whether they can coexist long enough to cooperate on finding Earth, because now, for many reasons, both Cylons and Humans really need to find it, and they each have clues as to where it is.

Here's the fun part. They find it.

It's um... not quite what they thought. Right before they find it, they almost annihilate all of them. Human and Cylon almost kill every last one of themselves, until Starbuck saves the day at the last possible second. Really last possible second. They almost killed themselves over, well, nothing spectacular.

I thought, as I watched them find Earth and be rather disappointed, isn't this just like us and where we're going with wars? Dare I say this is what will happen when we start running out of oil? We will go to war, a huge world war, over the last scraps of oil, so we can maintain our status quo, and if we don't go to war for the oil, chances are there would be a mass civil war in each country, too. And all for what? With that much war, oil or not, we'll destroy ourselves. Why? Because we cannot see the big picture, even if it is staring us right in the face. Humanity survived 6000 years without oil. Why do we NEED it now? Yes, it would be a huge change in living, but not impossible.

I see a mess ahead. Starbuck, where are you?

I'm with the hippies. Time to get off the grid and become self-sufficient. Remember, if the world is ending, go find a hippie in northern CA, or someone in north Idaho, and you might just make it. Farmers/agrarians/hippies know lots of cool things. You might want to brush up on them.

And if you think I'm crazy to write this, well that's ok. I've never been much of a status quo person.
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