This book was sitting on Rikki-san's book shelf last night while I was babysitting. I've been "rearranging" a bit while she's gone, we'll see if she notices when she gets back on Friday. Tee hee.
I read half of it last night, and will read the other half soon. It explains fully what our Pope Benedict XVI meant when he said we have a problem: the culture of relativism. And he explains exactly why that is a problem and what a good conscience (or a bad one) has to do with it, and why the Church is so important, being the Rock that it is in muddy waters.
I am going to be sending it to some people. Stop once in a while to think and breathe. If you didn't know, Gonzaga makes everyone take three religion courses and four philosophy courses. I still am sort of wondering exactly what "Phenomenology" is, but I think it's the study of thinking about thinking, which could be called "Metacognition", but has a more religious bent, I guess. I am now really glad I had to break my brain on that stuff, or I'd probably be really hurting after reading this. It's not that hard, but it's best to take small bites.
I was especially happy because it gives real words to why I think honesty is So Important. Let's just say some other people in my life do not think it's as important as I do. More than one. They probably think I'm just mean. But I'm very aware of the slippery slope of lying, and I don't like it one bit. It's the beginning of the end of a well-formed conscience.
I'm going to buy this book on my next spree. I have to plan my sprees, you know.
REARRANGING? I order everything perfectly in that chaos you know. Phenomenology is studying what happens here on earth and what that tells us about our relationship with God. JPII was a big phenomenologist, hence, the theology of the body: what does how we are made tell us about God... BTW Michael got 2 teeth today!