Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cap and Trade news

I haven't posted in a while, since we were camping. I will wait for Rikki to send me pics before I post them. She took them all. See, she brought a husband. It kind of helps with the hands not full thing. And I was just to blasted tired to care. But the kids had a great time. The husband was sad not to see more pics. That's ok, Rikki made up for it, and unlike me, she actually downloads her pics.

I posted something or other on the Cap and Trade bill on my facebook, and it resulted in a lively discussion and a few interesting links. Honestly, I don't know what to think ultimately. I'm very leery of government control, and wonder if this kind of environmentalism has resulted in a convenient government ploy for several governments, not just ours. Since when has science, true, lasting science, been based on consensus? And political approval? And tenure and funding? If you have no idea what I mean, please watch the movie Expelled with Ben Stein, for an introduction. It poses some really good questions.

Honestly, the world is probably going to stay about the way it is no matter what we do, and we should stop littering, duh. But why are we punishing countries who actually try to be more environmentally sound and give a mostly free pass to "developing" nations? Someone want to send me a link on that?

This all said, we did buy a Prius. Ha ha ha!

Here are the links:

From my die hard liberal friend Scott:

From my nearby and conservative Ron Paul friend Casey:

1 comment:

  1. I hear what you are saying. Honestly, even the environmentalists don't seem too happy about this one . . . they really aren't sure it's gong to actually accomplish much. 'Sure, it's a small step in the right direction, but is it worth it? Should we hold out for something more likely to be effective?' is what the message there seems to be, at least in the environmental circles I move in (which are pretty small, TBH).

    I'm pretty agnostic on cap and trade programs. I get the theory, and if it works to decrease atmospheric CO2 (or even prevent increase), I think it's great. I guess overall I'm glad we're giving it a try. I do think the environment is an area that needs some government control, although just how much is definitely a fruitful area for more debate than I'm interested in right now. It's not that it's not important, it's just that I need to get back to work :-)


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