Friday, July 10, 2009

Here I am

I know it's been a while again. I had lots of things to write about and post. LOTS. I mean, the news is so very interesting all the time! But I'd be here all day, and well, summer is a good time to Get. Stuff. Done. And I'm attempting to do that.


That said, today my husband is sleeping, because he works nights. He will sleep tomorrow also, and part of the next day. I've decided one of the best presents he can get is to stay asleep as much as possible before we go anywhere fun, so we will have. fun. Not fight or something stupid. So I haven't seen him today. I will see him for about two hours before he goes to work tonight.
I'm very glad we are still happily married. Score for us!

Wanna see our schedule til Wednesday? Wanna? You know you do.

Today, Friday, July 10th: The Pope and Obama met, and I'm glad to hear it went pretty darned well. I also read that the Pope "fired" the guys who screwed things up royally as he was trying welcome some traditionalists back into the Catholic Church, and it turned into a horrible fiasco, and everyone blamed the Pope. I certainly hope they found the right culprits. I think this was a good thing?

In our own lives, I got all the stuff Rikki and I have been collecting for two months and piling in her garage, and drove it to another home, which will be part of a neighborhood yard sale this weekend. We are very, very glad to purge our homes, especially in the case of Rikki, who has a little too much Mary Kay in her closet for her own good. Now she has a closet back, and some people can pick up some very good gifts for people at low prices tomorrow. I managed to get all that stuff out, with only one stuffed animal making it back in the car. Not bad.

Now they are sleeping, and I am putting off doing anything useful. That's what blogging is for. A to do list is good, so I will do that at the end here.
This evening we might go to the splash park since it's hot, and we ran out of time today before nap.

Tomorrow: Bring treats to yard sale by 9am, maybe help set up unless other people already did. Leave with my kids to go get the oldest, one hour away, at scout camp. He should be dog tired. Hopefully not too cranky after three nights away.
Then come back and help at yard sale til it's over. Help kids sell lemonade and other treats. Go home, collapse. Be glad the word "anniversary" resulted in not having in laws over yet again this weekend. I'm sure some day they will actually see us, but this wasn't necessarily the right weekend.

Sunday: Church. Pack like mad for kids to spend night at friends so we can go on anniversary overnight, which is a surprise for my husband. He knows the when, but not the where. Leave them at said house by 4pm or so. Go enjoy selves and complete sentences.

Monday: Enjoy selves. Hope things go well. You see, I just found out today that soccer camp is THIS day, not next week. But I just signed them up for Vacation Bible School At. The. Same. Time. Dude, not fair. I had this planned at least a month ago. AAGH! I think it will work, and I'm glad our friends love us, because it may or may not take a few people to pull this off. I can't immediately get ahold of the people watching our kids, because they are out of town. I did call and email, so hopefully that will help. Honestly, this is such a huge screw up, but I dare not put off this overnight, or it will never happen. Besides, the family in question will get me back in August. Go right ahead, guys!
That night, we should come home in one piece, and again, collapse.

Tuesday: Soccer camp, not VBS. Oh crap. I have an ultrasound at 9:30. I just realized this. I think I can get someone to help me with this too, it's just a teensy bit more complicated than I anticipated, and I already moved the ultrasound. This is getting downright comical.
Then I will pay back said savior by watching her kids while they have a very important appt. having to do with fostering small beings. So she will get me back, too.

See? What comes around always goes around, doesn't it?

Ok, new post for the to do list. Must call savior on Tuesday and chat now.
Have a super weekend everybody!
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