Well, there it is. The only consolation is how amazing it is that a black person became president, which many people never thought they would see. The KKK must be just having fits right now. I can take some solace in that. After all, not that long ago, in the great state of WA, it was illegal for little old me to marry my Filipino husband. Hard to imagine now, isn't it? Especially when your friend says one day, "Oh yeah, I forgot you guys are a biracial couple." I loved that. It cracked me up that someone "forgot". You know who you are... :)
I think that in a couple years, despite having a fully democratic congress, Mr. Obama will fail to achieve everything he promised, because it's so huge it's just not likely. If he can fix health care, we'll all breathe easy, but I think that will mean we all have to give up a lot of freedoms. We'll see how that plays out.
Obama as Commander In Chief gives me the willies, and I'm sure it does the soldiers, too, but again, we'll see who he appoints to where.
I guess there's unity, but I think it's for the wrong reasons. What I don't get is how a person who is black can say that they are voting for Obama just to make history, because he is black. Not because he has already done great things, or because of his character, or even because they agree with him. Just because he's black. And that's not backwards racism? I really don't understand how people don't grasp the irony here.
Please pray for America. Please pray that the constitution remains intact, that people remember that half of the popular vote was not for Obama and that they don't agree with a thing he says. Please remember us if suddenly our rights as people who do not believe in abortion or gay marriage get trampled on, and suddenly free speech is gone. And those of us who believe in the good, the true, the beautiful, forget your differences and unite when it is really important.
God bless America. Our Lady, pray for us.

I also am thrilled by the thought of the KKK having fits :-)
ReplyDeleteI think voting for the first (black, female, etc.) president because they are (black, female, etc.) makes some sense in that, even if they do nothing else, something has changed for their demographic. It's not just about history; it's about me being able to tell a racist relative, "Now you have less ground to say that black people are lazy. Take a look at our President." A woman President would have similar benefits; I have heard people say that a woman is inherently less capable of holding a job than a man, although these opinions are rare. If we had a woman president, I would get a little more support in my daily life as a working mom.
But this hardly outweighs the many other issues involved in this campaign.
If Obama and the liberal Congress do try to trample on our rights, it will have the advantage of setting us up for a Republican presidency in 8 years. I suspect Obama will get re-elected for a second term, if only because the odds of the economy staying down for four years are very, very low; the economy will probably be strong again when he runs for re-election, and that will automagically increase his odds of staying in office.
Hmmm... I disagree that our economy will bounce back. I think it will get worse. I think it was a very bad sign that the market went down instead of up today, right after an "hope-filled" election. It usually goes up the day after, and it tanked.
ReplyDeleteI do see your point, and that's why I hope Palin keeps building her political career. And I wish Condi would run. I love her, too. And she's super smart. Which is why she's not running.
Careful, no reading the blogs all day, lady.
See you tonight!