Thursday, November 6, 2008

Passing along...

the best pro-life argument I've ever seen.

And add to your list this site:

1 comment:

  1. From the pro-life argument:

    "The other [DVD] . . . illustrates . . . the development of . . . twin boys . . . within their mother. . . . [T]he two innocent human beings . . . fight each other. One gives his brother a kick, and the other responds with a sock to the jaw."

    LOL, yeah, I remember that. Iliana would usually start it. I don't blame her; Lenora was hogging all the space in there!

    I really wish we'd been using a US device that could take video for our first ultrasound. I think I've told you about the amazing view we got (at 12 weeks): A roomy round space with a thin line going through it - the amniotic sacs' lining. On top of this line we could see one baby, upright as if pressed against a whindow with arms to either side of its head. The only movement from this baby was the visibly beating heart. In the bottom half, another baby was laying down - no legs were visible, just a body and head with arms - but those arms were moving around energetically.

    It was a truly prophetic image; now that I've known those children outside of my womb for over two years, I know that the one who was on top then is, in fact, calm and quiet and full of heart. The one who was on the bottom then is, in contrast, full of energy and movement and LIFE.


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