I wanna t shirt.
I guess it might get me shot.
Have I mentioned liberals have no sense of humor? Usually?
Muah ha ha...
For similar garb, go to www.thatdarnconservative.com
A meandering montage of thoughts, ideas and crazy stuff I might have seen on various news websites. Family news for all who know us. You name it, it might be here. Having a blog might cut down on how many forwards I pass along by email!
![]() | 63 As a 1930s wife, I am |
LOL . . . although, if I had to pick myself as "liberal" or "conservative" I'd still go with "liberal" and therefore lack a sense of humor, usually . . . but I'd really rather not decide at all.
ReplyDeleteBut this shirt is great. I really can't complain too much about the Obama fan bois who have a blind spot for him (well, not about the blind spot itself, that is), because honestly I'm much the same about Palin. She's a pro-life woman in politics. For that alone, I will excuse many differences in our positions and many weaknesses that she may have; I know that there are many who would say that I would excuse too much.
But we need a pro-life woman in office SO BADLY! And I guess that's why I identify somewhat with people who support Obama because he was black.
This isn't to say that I *am* overlooking faults with Palin, but I am definitely not as open-minded as usual about it and I still think she's astoundingly close to perfect (danger, objectivity!). I honestly couldn't say if she has major faults. I think she's amazing simply for the little I do know (pro-life woman . . . female . . . anti-abortion . . . X chromosome). I want to see her in a high political office someday. And I probably would not feel the same way if she were a man (although I might still support 'him', just with a lot more questioning of his qualifications).
So, uh, yeah . . . Here's to history repeating itself! And Palin in 2012!