Sunday, August 31, 2008

My 200th Post! (BSG politics)

Ha ha ha ha ha... I can't stop laughing on this one.
I beg you, if you haven't watched Battlestar Galactica, the new one, you must watch it. Really. It coincides with this election year very nicely. Go to if you're cheap, Netflix if not, and go buy it if you love it.

DO NOT watch it with your kids.

I saw this at Don't even know what the blog is about, but this is hilarious.

The BSG Ticket

Watching Palin's introduction it became immediately clear that she looks uncannily like a young Laura Roslin.* This can only bode well for Palin. But the parallels don't stop at her looks. Like Roslin, Palin was basically a private citizen (Roslin was a teacher, Palin was a reporter) before being pulled into politics. Neither seems to have had any larger ambition, until events pulled them into prominence. And both were immediately discounted by outside observers as being unequal to the demands of their new positions.

But wait! There's more!

If Palin is Roslin, isn't McCain very much a Bill Adama? Both are Navy men. Both seemed destined to be passed over by a younger generation of hotshots, until a perfect storm elevated them to command. Both are tough old dogs with little patience for politics. Heck, Adama's staff even call him the Old Man.

Like Adama and Roslin, McCain and Palin should complement each other well. I eagerly await the moment in the VP debate when Palin is asked what she would do with Osama bin Laden if he were captured. One assumes her answer will be some variation of, "Put that thing out the airlock."

* Galley Wife S.L. observed this within seconds of Palin stepping on stage.

8:28 PM | posted by Jonathan V. Last Permalink
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