Friday, August 29, 2008


There's a mom four or so doors down in our townhome group, and she has 2-3 little kids, and they have been found running in the street from time to time. The little one, maybe 2 years old, sometimes gets out and is in nothing but a diaper every time I see him. I was nice about this the first couple of times, but today DH came home and nearly ran over one of them in our own carport. She tried to explain that the uncle was watching them, but if that's the case, what was the kid doing with his hands in my wading pool? And why are they in my carport? My kids don't hang around in our neighbors' carports.
I told her I would not be the one calling CPS, but I know the neighbors talk and one of them has already threatened to. What I'm saying is, "Don't do this to your family." She needs to buy child locks for her front door and use them. She looked at me like I was a total nutjob, and I don't blame her because I was pretty freaked out, but I don't want to be sued because she isn't watching her kids but it happens outside my door. The kid is running freely in the street, for crying out loud! Just because there isn't a car there now doesn't mean people don't drive over 30 through there.
I've called before, and I hope never to call again, I hate, hate, hate calling CPS. Gives me the shakes. I'm a foster parent, and I know foster parents. We don't like to see people have their kids taken away, it's wrong, but we would rather that than something like death! Being run over can't be undone!
Thanks for letting me vent. At what point should I call, I wonder. I hope I scared her good this time.
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