Tuesday, August 18, 2009

breech baby?

I have lots of time this morning because my neighbor's car made a click click click noise this morning as he was, poor man, trying to start it. I thought his daughter was still here to help him start it, but alas. It was 5:50, as usual (he's not very quiet and should have hearing aids big time, but oh well... a very nice neighbor to have). I got out the cables and tried to get close to the car, but the batteries are on opposite sides, so we finally ended up putting it in neutral and backing it up, and voila! it started right up. Magic! So now I'm awake and the kids are not, and I'm really quite happy about that.

Yesterday we had what we call Medical Monday. It's silly, but the best day to go is when the husband is not at work. I really must stop doing that. In any case, the chiropractor and the OB were our stops. We went together for it all, and I took the kids on purpose the the OB this time, because he keeps a small ultrasound machine in his office. The kids wanted to see, and the baby is getting kinda big to fit on the screen anymore, so I wanted to get in there. They liked it. Grace especially, since her Berenstain Bears book shows about seeing an ultrasound. She was only Dominic's age for Dominic, so she doesn't remember his.

At my 20 week ultrasound at the "real" place, they did all those measurements and stuff, but they also found just one very minor potential problem. My placenta is positioned only 2 cm. away from the way out of my body. If it covered that area, and it could, I would have placenta previa. That would be very bad, and definitely result in a c-section, along with a lot of illness while waiting for the baby to be big enough to be born. So thank you, God, for not letting that happen. My mom had that for my middle sister, who was born naturally with five minutes to spare at the hospital, but it wasn't a good situation.

My baby appears to really like the breech position, and I wish she'd turn around while she's still got room, but so far, no good. I asked the OB if we could try convincing her to turn around by hand positioning techniques I've heard of, and he said we could, they do work, but sometimes, just sometimes, that baby is breech for a reason. And if they are breech because of the placenta being placed low, well, that might be something we don't want to mess with. I'd rather have the c-section without the illness and risk of placenta previa (toxemia). Of course, I'd much rather not have the c-section at all, but I don't think a breech birth sounds all that super, either.
I'm hoping she'll just turn around if it's safe to do so. It's only 26 weeks, and there's still lots of time.
Come on, baby!!
Meanwhile, I'm going to learn something about c-sections, just in case...


  1. Turn around, baby, turn around!
    Praying for you both, Ann Marie!

  2. We're pretty sure Iliana flipped from breech at 36 weeks, and that would have been fine and dandy if she only hadn't flipped back a week later (we think - we never had an US to prove that she flipped twice) and kicked her cord down.

    Anyways, if we're right about her flipping, that's an anecdote that might give hope to you.


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