I've been meaning to post something like this for a while. Last summer when we went on our RV trip, we allowed the children, especially the #1 child, just turned eight years old, to handle the camera. The one that doesn't zoom anymore. This kid has a weird sense of humor. I won't post the NUMEROUS ones where he just points the camera at his face and yells a lot. I guess he likes pretending he's dying on camera, because we have about 20 recordings of that now, and I truly think I might be underestimating.
There is also a great play by play of Brandon and Gabe playing with hot wheels and cups, and the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance, and then Brandon falling asleep just as we reach it. It's great, and I'll have to post it sometime.
Here are some videos and pictures that Gabe took. Might want to turn the sound down. I'd post videos more often, but it takes forever for them to load. I'm sure there's a faster way, and I must learn it sometime.
This is Gabe, looking cool:
This is what Brandon thinks of the camera man:
I think Mr. Camera Man took my favorite picture of Grace, ever:
A cute Dominic picture. He really, really likes hats:
This is Dominic, up close and personal.
This is how they torture the baby, I guess. Where was I? I have no idea. I think Rikki must have been babysitting for some of these. :)
Gabe took several of these. They are at Grandma and Grandpa Lane's house in Astoria, and I love Dominic's giggles, so I'm glad I have them on video forever and ever. Belly laugh baby!
So now you have a great picture of what life looks like at our house when I'm not even looking.