This is what the two eldest children drew for my valentine. If you look closely, I think you will see that I am supposed to be pregnant. I'm not, just so that rumor doesn't get away. But I asked them why I was pregnant in the picture.
Gabe said, "Because we want another girl. There are too many boys around here."
Brandon said, "No, we want a boy."
I told them I think adoption guarantees that gender thing, but pregnancy is not a good way to go about getting what you want if you have a strong opinion like that.
Silly children.
I do have one more spot in the back seat, but that car is soooo not paid off in case we, say, adopt and then get pregnant. Because Murphy lives at our house, that's the kind of thing we can predict. So, sorry kids, but it was a nice thought! We'd just prefer a teeny bit more room for error and less debt before we go thinking things like that again!
Very, very cute.