Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wed night update

Well, some folks are probably just getting back from Rosary Night right now. A little while ago Francis was here on his way home from work, and Joyce called so Brandon could talk to us, and Brandon was crying so hard for both of us. I wish we could be there, but we can't. Francis is completely exhausted. But it was so hard to hear him cry. I guess he's very worried about Grace, and I couldn't bring her out to see him, and I couldn't bring him in, either.
Here's the updated update:
The hemotologist (blood doctor) said it is hemolytic anemia. Tomorrow they will do tests to see precisely what kind, but they do still think it was a reaction to a virus, and the body started killing red blood cells instead of the virus. It seems to have stopped, but they aren't letting us outta here until they know for sure what is going on and watch her over time. It's likely, according to this last doctor, that we will be here for another day and night. They are taking blood and they did a kidney ultrasound today. I should know more late tomorrow morning.
Meanwhile, it sounds like my mom would like to visit when we're ready, and boy, am I ready. Thanks, Mom! and thanks to Mom and Dad for trying so hard to stay in touch despite a lot of other things to do today.
Thanks you for all our prayers. I think things will be fine, but I'm waiting still for confirmation. Right now, we are pretty sure we'll never know what set off this fine reaction, but we're fairly unlikely to see it again.
Time to go to bed!
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