I fell asleep last night at around 8pm. I was exhausted from being woken up a lot and cleaning up all the piles of paper and unfinished projects downstairs. There was a lot to do! Now it's all messy again, but the "project type" mess is gone.
The kids built a tent in their room because the Cross's kids showed them their ideas on Wed. night and they decided to give it a go. Pretty good design, and all three slept in it last night.
I think I will give you a run-down of how my night went last night. This is not abnormal in the slightest, in case you were wondering... Oh, and Francis is usually on the couch because I can't sleep with that much more noise in my room at this point. We'll get back to normal when the baby starts sleeping.
1. 7:30pm Feed baby, put in crib, decide not to go downstairs because exhaustion has set in. Crawl in bed with clothes on.
2. 8:30 or so: Fell asleep.
3. 9:00 or so: Francis comes to see if I'm ready to get the seats out of the van because we're getting our very own queen bed frame today from Craigslist, and the people are willing to meet him outside his work. Francis was in a rear-ender on Monday, so he's not allowed to lift. I say, "I can't get up, we'll do it tomorrow."
4. Around midnight, Grace wakes up screaming. Has to go potty. Isn't really awake to know that, so she says her tummy hurts til I put her back. Then and only then does she have to go potty. All better.
5. Sometime between #3 and #4, about 15 teenagers or something like them were outside with some of the worst bass in a car I've ever heard. Considered calling cops after a while, but then I'd have to get out of bed. Considered ear plugs. But I'd have to find two of them at the same time... in the dark. Hmmm... Eventually a car drove up to get one of them and someone must have been complaining so they all left Let me add it was pouring down rain. I would completely understand on a warm summer night, but this was weird. Must be mid-winter break. I could check the district calendar, but y'know, it doesn't really matter too much to me. I should check though, because Brandon's speech therapy is on Thursdays when there is school. All of this occurs to me in the middle of the night.
6. Baby wakes up crying around 3 am because he can't breathe through his nose, which means he can neither nurse nor suck his thumb, which makes him a sad panda. So I take him downstairs and give him a dose of his antibiotic (because if it was day time, we'd be doing this three times a day anyway, and we just started, and I'm desperate for the stuff to start working), and a dose of motrin, because he has a fever. A great big green booger is wiped up by mom, and then he can breathe again, so he nurses and goes back to sleep.
7. I think he nursed at 5 again, but I'm not sure.
8. Francis starts the process of taking those seats out at 6am. I can hear him, so I go down so I can yell at him not to move objects when his lower back is in pain from the car wreck on Monday. I remove seats, kiss him goodbye, and start this post. I am now finishing it at 9am. Had to feed kids and Dave is on his way to a first time homebuyer class. Children made fun of Brandon (with Dave's help) because Gabe was writing down what he wants for his birthday (May) and then Brandon wanted to write down what he wants for Adoption Day (April), and Dave suggested coal and things of that nature.
Sad Panda here says I should stop typing or he'll eat my keyboard.
Here's what else I did. I bought books! Almost all are gifts, silly me. Here's the list:
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