I just have to post these pics. Rikki-san has a better camera than I do. I have camera lust. I can't wait til Feb. 1 because we'll finally have a windfall from stock dividends, and a very small amount is going toward a nice, new camera. We have composed a plan for the windfall: 40% to debt, 40% to savings, 10% each for us to spend. We've agreed that we will each take a piece of our personal 10% and put up black out blinds in the bedrooms when it comes. At last! It's good to have a plan so we don't just fritter it away. And then I'll get a MODG check, and we can do the same thing again. Savings at last! Eight years of marriage, and by golly, I think we've got it!
It helps to keep credit cards in the safe.
These pictures are from a pool party for Mariah. It was awesome! No presents, no cake, just fun with lots of mommies and daddies and kids. Forest Park must wonder if it's been invaded by crazy Catholics, both for parties and at swimming lessons. Yup, I joined a cult, alright.