Thursday, May 28, 2009

Strange premonition

I was sleeping this morning (of course), and at about 6am, Dominic woke me up and I changed his diaper and put him back in there. Thank goodness, it appears he went back to sleep.

Either before or after that, I had a sort of prayerful dream thingy. I guess I was wondering about the news, and I'd just had a really weird facebook conversation in which I was informed that religious people all suffer mental pain, even if they don't know it, and religion hurts everyone. That was annoying. That conversation may or may not be still running. It's taking a lot of diplomacy on my end. Sometimes that level of patience is worth it. I like to think it's always worth it. Sometimes I'm not so sure.

So this dream thing included my thought that it was somewhat odd that Obama was taking so long to appoint the ambassador to the Vatican. I thought, you know, he really should pick a university professor, but one from, say, Benedictine, Ave Maria, or TAC. Or Fr. Spitzer, who is currently leaving Gonzaga. He would have been perfect!

Then this morning, one of the first things I saw was that he had indeed picked a professor. He picked a liberation theologian. Oh dear. But we do need someone who can talk to both sides and be taken seriously. Maybe this guy is it, maybe he's not, but it will be interesting to see what the Vatican says. Personally, I was beginning to wonder if Mr. Obama was going to sever diplomatic ties with the Vatican or something, it was taking so long. Here's the initial news report on this guy:

I also find his appointment for the Supreme Court very, very interesting. So far, I kind of like her, but we'll see. If she is a strict constitutionalist like she says she is, then that's better than I had hoped for from Obama. Time will tell. She is rather perplexing.

My beef lately is that he appoints quite a few Catholics to important positions, but they are all liberal Catholics. The implication for me is that we're going to teach this country that only certain kinds of morality fly, and you can only be successful if you think a certain way. If you think like a conservative pro-life religious person, someone who goes to church every week, there is something wrong with you. More and more people are seeing this as their example, and it's going to make ridicule, and dare I say, bigotry, of Christians the way to go. The irony is completely missed! I mean they just don't see it! It's so weird!

This is partly why I stay on Facebook. If there are people out there who normally have no contact with reasonable conservatives, but they know me, then they know that the talking heads on tv who regularly shout down their guests are not really the norm. I know, that should be obvious to people. But how many people really understand that? If they go to work 40-60 hours a week, are surrounded by people who think like them at work, then come home and only watch certain tv channels, why would they think any other way? So in my own way, I am also an ambassador to the Vatican. My people are important, and they have brains. They are often too busy doing good in the world to be noticed or to toot their own horn, but they are so very important to the fabric of society.

The whole point of what I'm trying to say can be summed up right here, at
Ragamuffin Studies. This lady is smart, and she gets my point completely right. And she also brings up what our governnment is up to.

It's a good thing the weather is good lately. Sometimes I really need to get out there in God's creation and remember, this life is just a blip on the radar of eternity, and eternity is what I can hardly wait for. What wonders and joy await! Sometimes that's hard to remember, but that is really the point, isn't it?


  1. I can't get a feel for Sodomayor, either. I certainly think she is going to be very capable, but I've heard rants both that she is an activist and also that she is a constitutionalist. I can't tell if the opposition to her is based on facts, or just reactionism to any Obama appointee. The only anti-Sodomayor claim I was able to trace back at all seemed to be based on a comment taken out of context from a lecture in a college setting (and I couldn't track down the context, either). The pro-Sodomayor claims, which state that she will follow and interpret the current state of law and not legislate from the bench, were slightly better substantiated - but nothing truly convincing on either side.

    Thank Heavens for Facebook links . . . I've really been enjoying letting everyone else do my research for me ;-)

  2. I praise God for you, Anne Marie. In your way, small as it may seem, you are doing the Lord's work. It is no easy task. It seems like there is a huge bridge to build to bring people to a fuller understanding of this faith we profess, but you are doing it one small brick at a time. A person you come into to contact with on Facebook, or anywhere, will step on that brick you have placed and move on from there. You may never be able to see the steps you've placed, but God will continue his work in each person's soul.

    Keep doing what you are doing it is all part of God's great plan!


  3. mental pain? from religion? oh my, can you hear me from there? peals of a revert, let me tell you, there is only mental pain trying to live according to the world, not nearly as much living in the Church and carrying the daily cross. No comparison.


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