These are all from Christmas. They include Gabe, age 4, Brandon, age 2, and Grace, age 2-3 months. Now they are 9, 6, and 4, with a 2 year old and one on the way since then!
Life is so precious. You don't want to waste one moment wishing for something different. I loved the movie, "The Incredibles" because of the line from the mom, Helen, "This, our life, is what's happening now, and you're missing it, Bob!" That really struck home for us. Don't wish the future on yourselves so much you miss THIS!
That's why they call it The Present.
PS. My favorite is the toes picture of Grace. Doesn't she have great toes? :)
PPS. I look greedy in the picture because DH got me "My Precious", the complete Lord of the Rings Trilogy on DVD.
Michael readily recognized Gabe in the pics but will not believe me that the other kids are Brandon and Grace!