Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Appreciation is nice

I really like Sardonic Catholic Dad. He says and posts something I like at least once a week. Here's another goodie.

This post is for all the stay-at-home homeschool providing, mothers of the world. Not that I don’t love the rest of you too. But SAH teaching mommas are what I know.

I’m always hearing wives refer to their husbands as Heroes. Hero this and Hero that. In particular you hear it when they talk about their husbands going off to work to provide for the families. Well that is a nice sentiment and flattering to hear. But it’s really bunk. Mothers are the real Heroes.

Cooking, cleaning, shopping, bathing kids, changing diapers, changing kids clothes 5 times a day, settling fights, putting on band-aids, putting kids down for napes, nursing, laundry, never going to bathroom alone, sports and activities chauffer, story time, gardening, ironing (does anyone iron anymore?), doctors appointment, running the trashcans to the curb as the trash truck is pulling away (a treat for the trash men I’m sure), picking up the cleaning, dropping the car off at the shop, trying to look nice when hubby comes up, trying to be in them mood, plunging toilets, dressing dolls, fixing broken toys and 100 other things that come up each day.

And in the midst of all that they still have to find time to teach the kids. How do they do all this and not go completely nuts? I really have zero idea. It’s a wonder more husbands aren’t shot by their wives. Especially when we do things like, come home from work and ask why the house is dirty and dinner isn’t on the table and our wives aren’t dressed like super models.

Ladies I’m going to let you in on a little secret. One your husband’s might not want me to spill. With a few notable exceptions; psych-boss, birthday party coordinator at Chuck E Cheese (is there a worst place in the world to go then Chuck E Cheese? Vermont and Wyoming are the only two states that have not been infested by this menace – I may have to more to one of them), job as a chicken plucker, being a podiatrist… like going to work. Sure we might not like getting dressed-up (if our job requires it) or the commute if it’s long or the pointless meetings bosses love to have so they can give the appearance they are actually doing something, but otherwise work ain’t all that bad. Most of the places I’ve worked at have had a least a few cool guys there. Ones you could yak about sports or workout with at lunch. I have my own office and people rarely are in it bugging me. I could take a 3 hour nap each afternoon and no one would know.

The quiet of the office is often a welcome change from the craziness of the home. So don’t feel to sorry for us or put us up on a pedestal (well you can if you want and a massage is always nice too). But you gals are the real heroes and the glue that keeps family together.

So guys when you get home to a less than perfect house and less than perfect kids, why don’t you thank your wife anyway or better yet take her out to dinner or finish cooking dinner and let her take a bubble bath or whatever she enjoys.

So this is for all you homeschooling sweeties out there. Keep up the great work.
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