Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In Honor of Inauguration Day

Mr. Obama is now President of the United States of America. I hope things get better, but I expect they will get worse. I hate to sound so depressing, but I see the cards on the table, and they have been seen before. If you do even the slightest reading on the Great Depression and its causes, you will see stark similarities. Even children's books will tell you that much, I found out.

Mr. Obama's speech was actually very good. The one thing that was reassuring was that he obviously had read the founding fathers, had some serious history reading under his belt, and had some kind of idea of what he was getting into. I hope he was praying hard!

I agree with him on change. We do sorely need it. However, my version is not "scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" which is what I think is fundamentally wrong with our government. My idea is to throw it all out and start again at the beginning, with just the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. The amendments are ok, too, of course, but now that we're here, most of them are just common knowledge, now. I am very worried that, like most democrats, he's going to add more laws, not subtract them. More government and more money spent that we don't have. Hold on for the ride, World. It's going to be a doozy.

I wonder why he said "My fellow citizens" and not "My fellow Americans"? Is American a dirty word? Just wondering. Maybe he's being global, since Mexico and Canada are "North America" too.

Good luck, Mr. President. Please leave some room for us crazy religious nut jobs, ok?


  1. I'm pretty much in agreement with most of what you say. Especially with throwing it (and all of "them" in leadership) out and starting all over. I'm just not sure I trust Obama to make good decisions if the slate was clear.

  2. I'm wondering if the "my fellow citizens" thing was to remind people that, yes, he is a citizen? I've heard rumors from generally smart people questioning his citizenship. Maybe it was a subtle point to such people?

  3. Or, it could have been that whole one world government idea. Citizens of what? Every country? Because practically every country was celebrating, and I thought he was just the president of the US. I don't remember a world celebration ever before, and it makes the paranoid part of me wonder.


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