Thursday, January 29, 2009

Husband's schedule...

As I always tell people trying to plan around us... Don't!

DH got a wonderful job, but since it is tech in a 24 hour "shop", he sometimes gets his shift changed on him. This morning he mentioned that there is a shift that needs to be covered, and someone can volunteer, or they will take the new guys and put them on that shift. Hmmm... that gives him, um, no choice, right? Guess which shift? You got it, NIGHTS. This does result in a 10% pay increase, if he gets it.

There are some obvious downsides, like keeping kids quiet-ish while he's sleeping. He does sleep hard, which means he will have earphones and white noise in his ears, and strangely, he can sleep that way. I'm impressed. It means that I won't be able to clean our room very well, because someone will almost always be sleeping in it. It means, though, that I will have my car back!! Yay!! Which means that I could go and do things again without worrying that the car will break immediately. I know it's silly, but the last thing I want is to be stranded with all the kids on the road in our other car. I know lots of people who would come save me, but I haven't been able go outside of town to see anyone in AGES, unless it was when Francis was home, which takes away from our time on weekends. If this really happens, the freedom will be wonderful. Yes, we are still planning on buying a real commuter vehicle, but this way we may be able to put it off rather indefinitely and go back to being a one car household for the foreseeable future. I will have to keep a car around in case of further changes, which always happen. But meanwhile... That is SUPER!

This will also help us with our goal to get debt-free using the Dave Ramsey method. It's great stuff. Which reminds me, we have a DVD to watch.

What a good life we have. Thanks, God!
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