Tuesday, March 18, 2008

video blog experiment

Hello Everyone,

You know, homeschooling is real life. I am teaching myself to download pics off a new camera and get them onto the server we store things on. Then I am saving a video from said camera and trying to put it on a blog. This is how I should teach my kids, and as they get older, I'm sure I will. It's kinda hard to turn Grace loose with my treasured laptop, y'know.

I was going to upload a different video, but somehow I lost the one I wanted. However, this is kind of a fun one, since Dominic has quite the interesting method of getting around. This was the first week of March 2008. He is very, very close to walking at 9.5 months of age. I imagine right around his 10 month bday, he'll take off.

I hope this comes through ok. If it does, expect more!

I do think of this whole experiment as a diary, the same as Ethel does. I think it will be wonderful to look back on it. There are some things to be said for the internet age, that's for sure.

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