Wednesday, March 5, 2008

family news

So, really quick, here goes:

My mom is coming by train today from Longview, WA to here, and going back Saturday.

Francis is switching his work schedule yet again. Next week he works Tues-Sat, and after that we're back to M-F but getting off at 3pm. Which I kind of like.

Our tax refund is going to buy two things. 1. Lasik for Francis 2. a camry from a friend. I am TIRED of getting Francis to the bus at oh dark thirty, and so is Dave. And besides, Dave will move out this year.
Right, Dave?

The kids are still recovering from last week. Screaming and fighting commence and continue.

It is GORGEOUS outside. Time to go outside. Does Grace need a snowsuit if it is almost 60 degrees? Nope, lots of layers, methinks.

Now I'm hungry. Time to go eat. Oh, and homeschool. I think I have ADD.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I went to Emery's. (pause for the "but you promised not to!") And I will plant things today. I promise. These plants will not die a horrible death neglected in my garage. I swear, really really.

    It just is so beautiful out! The kids learned plenty yesterday... they can educate themselves in dirt and mud and bugs today!

    It is sunshiny and I am at least a little bit the mistress of some of my own destiny!

    (Now I have to add Gardening to my budget -- responsibility strikes again, oh well.)


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