Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain's new VP?

Wow. I read somewhere that John McCain was very secretive about who he was going to pick for his running mate. They said you just never know what he's going to do, he's a maverick, but he's been holding it in. After all, if the party he's running against is making total donkeys of themselves (it is their symbol, after all), why speak up too often an put your foot in your mouth? Just let the other guy make his own self look bad. The DNC is doing a great job of looking dumb right now, if anyone cares to notice. I could give examples, but oh look, they are right there below!

I am very interested in what this lady will do. I think since McCain has foreign policy covered, he could indeed pick someone like Sarah Palin. Also, did you know she cut state property taxes by 60%? I thought that was a misprint. She's big into not wasting money, and I'm kind of excited. Also, she's hugely pro-life! She even has a son who has Down's, and these days, 80% of Down's babies are aborted.

Go Sarah!


  1. There's no doubt that this choice has energized the pro-life Republican base! More so than I think he realized it would. Check out what Doug wrote about it:

    That said, there are some big differences in views between the two of them, so it should be interesting. Who will come out on top when it comes to making policy?

  2. No idea, yet, but I'm just celebrating over here!!


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