Saturday, August 9, 2008

Da Boyz are on their way back


I hear tell that we have many problems. Among them, a lack of a vasectomy, apparently I'm married to a "girl" because DH won't eat all the fatty food because he's really trying to stick to the South Beach Diet (his comeback: That's how I keep my girlish figure), we should call more often to be hung up upon, and Uncle Deet is anorexic because he's on a diet and in training, too.

But those are compliments in Tagalog, apparently.

I'm so glad I wasn't there. I must take life too seriously. I just cannot stand that much nitpicking! But anyway, they left while the getting was good so they could stay on good terms with my dear MIL, and that was probably smart of them. They shall return in the wee hours.

I wonder if they mentioned that Deet doesn't live with us anymore? I forgot to ask. He moved out in May, but for some reason they haven't noticed yet. We use cell phones only, that's probably why, and they haven't visited since October.

Ha ha ha...

In other news, my own folks are in CA for a month. Wish I was. I tried calling, but they are in this time capsule of a house which does not have anything, especially not an answering machine. There is a real, working, wringer washer in that house, and no working dryer. And I love it. Time was indeed simpler then.
Have fun, Mom and Dad.
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