Monday, July 21, 2008

Jamee Silverstein

I have always thought that Jamee and Shel Silverstein must have been separated somehow, and are really closely related. Maybe God accidentally split a brain when he was creating Really Cool People, or something.
So here is her latest. At least her poetry is online, even if not officially "published". She put this on her facebook page today. Must have been a fun trip from Portland, OR, to DC.
I love you Jamoo!

Written by Jamee, this day:

At the risk of potentially offending friend(s) who may or may not be affiliated with certain airport/plane agency/company(s), here goes....

An informal Ode to midnight air travel... ahem hem.

First I sprinted for the gate
To catch my flight... which was late
At 12am, and you can stake
That I was happy... not irate.
Okay, so maybe I exaggerate

But once on board, I tell the truth
that I was smiling and forsooth,
I soon passed out -- perhaps uncouth
As my head lolled back and forth
Against my pleather booth

I missed out on the snack cart craze
Whilst my iPod played a string of praise
Against the reading lamps set to "Blaze"
I focused solely on the sways
of gentle turbulence... and prayed

Soon the sunrise came -- one lone ray
And BAM! Jarred awake by metal sleigh
Oh bliss, touchdown! Oh, JFK...
Another dash, dodge, sprint to Gate Far Away,
A bleary-eyed stagger to Seat 6A

Now here I am back at my desk
So grateful I can finally rest
Can't hardly wait for Christmas... yes
Another red-eye....
They're the best.

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