Our little girl was born!
Gianna Caeli (chay-lee) was born on Friday night at 7:37 pm at Northwest Hospital. She was 7 lbs 8 oz and 19.5 in. At her first ped. appt she was only 6.15! I have never had a baby this small! However, she is healthy and very cooperative, since she stopped labor just long enough for us to go to the adoptions of Gabe and Josh! Lucky us! She has been a very good baby, doing lots of sleeping and eating, and when she's awake, she just looks around with her great big eyeballs. Hardly a peep! I shall detail a birth story later. I was intrigued to find out what a hospital birth was like after three midwife center water births. I have to say, I like epidurals, even if they are not perfect. There's good and bad for both choices, and I'm just so glad we have so many options where we live!
Thanks for all your prayers, they were very much felt. I just couldn't believe it when the birth was already over in half the time it has taken in the past!
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Wow! Congratulations! What a pretty name. I'm glad all went well for you. I have been considering an epideral this time...I'm just not sure. I hope you are getting enough rest and all that you need during this transition. God Bless, Holly
ReplyDeleteI was thinking I'd write a post comparing the virtues of each, and will let you know! I'd say it's worth a try if the last two were very painful and it makes you pretty nervous to think about. That's how it's been getting for me. Side affects included shivering without being very cold, and having my blood pressure drop a few times. Nothing dangerous, though. It was worth it to me...