I know, you were just waiting for that. I'm sorry for not blogging, and there is ever so much I could blog about, too. I just really need to get on it, but there are ever so many things to do outside the blogosphere, too.
In any case, I was the Great Pumpkin and handed out Pinewood Derby cars at our cub scout pack meeting. This is how big my tummy really is. Now I have 2.5 weeks to go. Yay me!
I do have many things to write about, like:
Tunnel vision, or how you can end up only keeping people around who agree with you.
That book called Last Child In The Woods and how many times I've been nodding my head.
How we are going to try basketball this year right after soccer while having a baby.
The baby, of course.
Discipline of the difficult child (every family gets at least one)
How thankful I am for our friends and current circumstances (a good thanksgiving post!)
Gotta take Gabe to his second to last soccer practice... ta ta!