I guess we could do a summary of May and June. Well, late May, anyway. This first one is Dominic's second birthday. Happy Birthday Dude!
This is what we did to our dining room floor. Our carpet was SO GROSS. We'll do the whole downstairs in pergo this summer sometime, but this dining room is the direct path between our front and back doors, as well as where kids drop all their food on the floor, and even my neighbor who cleans carpets said he wouldn't clean it again, just get rid of it.
So we did. Thanks Cathy!!
We went to Joe and Christina's wedding in Portland, OR a week ago. We got a much better picture of my husband and our friend Fr. Jeff Meeuwsen than we did of the bride and groom. He was concelebrating, since we all went to GU together, and it was super great to see him. He offered to hear our confessions, but do you know how weird that would be? I should have had him do our son's, but it was a wedding, and man, those are crazy days, don'tcha know.
Here is the bride and groom, for lack of better pics. We were hushing our children. Both older boys got to be greeters and I got to be a eucharistic minister. Yay us! Way easier than being a bridesmaid. Phew!
This is the inside of the dome, inside The Grotto, in Portland. This is where we went to Mass last Sunday. It is gorgeous, and if you want to see more pics, google it. It's just beautiful in real life. We took a picture of all the bronze statues of the Stations of the Cross which are outside on a trail. We said an Our Father in front of each one. The kids loved it, and the Mass was just gorgeous. I also found out that our Lola is not the only one who gives kids candy to shut them up at Mass. Apparently most Filipino grandmas do this without asking, even if you've never met them. Huh. Interesting.
We went to see my parents in Astoria, OR, and we also went to see the "down the driveway" neighbors, who always have the animals we didn't. We had horses and dogs and cats, and sometimes sheep or goats. These guys have goats and smaller. They are a fun, unschooling family whose kids sometimes go to school. One of them just graduated. Only one out of five to go! They are all doing just awesome. Did I ever mention the one who couldn't read til he was 13 is now working on a PhD in something to do with optical lasers in Florida? Well, he is.
Anyway, here is their trampoline, and this shows how enormously big this one goat is.
This is Flash. He's about 25 now, but I first met him when I was 13 and my friend who was the age I am now owned him and gave me English riding lessons in return for feeding him in the morning before I went to school. He is getting a bit rickety now, but he's happy. She couldn't take care of him anymore, so he's been at my folks' house for years now.
Here are videos of each of the kids on Flash. His registered name is "Chromed Perfection". That cracks me up. Most registered names of dogs and horses crack me up. My old horse, Sebastian, was "Mon Sebastian BD" Ha ha ha. My dad said the BD stood for Bad Dude. No doubt! :) His brains didn't fit in one horse body! Naughty, naughty horsie.
By the way, last November, Dominic wouldn't get on. Now, I can't get him off!
I don't know why I didn't get a Grace video, but I didn't. Here's her cute little self anyway.
And finally, my new facebook picture:
I didn't know that was Sebastian's name. That... doesn't even make sense haha.