Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pictures at last...

Ok, ok, here are some pictures of our trip. I will be posting details of our RV do and do not's in the near future. The "day of poop" will be a prime example. We also had the "day of butts", but that mostly has to do with wild animals that don't want to smile for the camera.

Speaking of, I realized I left the sprinkler on all night, and when I came to turn it off, there was the local friendly mama raccoon, washing her hands in it and totally blocking it with her body. She must have been there half the night by the looks of things. I will post a picture of her later. Goofy coon. She's the primary reason we are not getting a bunny or chickens, probably ever, at least in this location.

This is Mt. Shasta from the RV window. It's huge!

These are all the kids that belong to myself and my cousin Alia. We're at Samuel P. Jackson State Park, not far from San Rafael and Pt. Reyes. The boy in green doesn't belong to either of us, he just came along for the ride and was at Alia's house when she came to see me. She brought pizza! Jonah (the daddy) came, too, but I didn't get a very good picture of him. He's awesome!
l-r: Grace, Kalea Grace, Naia, Brandon, Gabe, Dominic, Sage, Isaia, and Kili.

These pictures are taking a coon's age to load, so I will load more later while I'm correcting papers. I even made them not-so-large, and it still take forever. Argh! I have so many pictures to show you!
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