Favorite person (outside family)?
Hmm... I think this one is blackmail. I have a lot of friends and it depends on what is going on that week and how much chocolate they brought me.
Favorite food?
Obviously chocolate. Dark chocolate, coffee ice cream is probably the best thing there is.
Quirks about you?
I hate the sound fingernails make on jeans. And I hate whining. And I get really cranky when I'm getting ready to go somewhere or do something or anything like that. Dad, you did that to me, didn't you? I miss horseback riding.
How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less? OK, you people, who loves the mommy the mostest? Grace often says, "Mommy, you're the best mommy."
Any regrets in life? A few. I try not to beat myself up internally more than necessary.
Favorite Charity/ Cause? www.birthcenter.org... or is that .com? Can't remember. Those ladies deserve lotsa bucks. Also, Catholic radio stations. I gave money to an autism charity this year....
Favorite Blog recently? This one is just gorgeous: http://bouffard11.blogspot.com/
Something you can’t get enough of? SLEEP. And possibly alone time.
Worst job you’ve ever had? Over time, my daycare job. When your boss is trying to get you fired while you try to get her fired, and you've been known to bring in your two year old with strep throat and 102 degree fever because not enough people showed up to work, you know you are in the wrong job. They tell you to find a babysitter, but that would cost more than they were paying me! What an honor to work there for free... Ok, I did it for the medical plan, so not all was lost. Just my confidence, self-worth, and identity, nothing major.
What job would you pay NOT to have? My daycare job. Ok, not worth paying not to have, but you sure couldn't pay me enough....
If you could be a fly on the wall, where? Eww. Some places, I shouldn't be. Nope, I really don't need any more gossip.
Favorite Bible verse right now? Hmm... that's a good one. I went to Confession yesterday, and this is what popped into my head while I was waiting:
"Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, my brethren, you did it to me." (Matthew 25:31-46). It reminds me to try not to lose my temper with my kids. Especially one of them.
Guilty Pleasure? ICE CREAM! The yummy chocolate truffle moose tracks Safeway kind. Lots of fudge.
Got any confessions? Only to the priest, sorry! Don't worry, it's always variations on a theme: impatience. I swears, I'm not an axe murderer!

If you HAD to spend $1,000 on YOURSELF, how would you spend it? A week at a retreat/spa thinger. With nobody I know and a lot of books. Massages and sleep included.
Favorite thing about your house? It's ours!
Least favorite thing about your house? It needs stuff fixed and I don't know why it has mold.
One thing you are bad at?
One thing you’re good at?
Riding horses both English and Western.
If you could change something about your circumstances, what?
I'd have an acre or two of land.
Who would you like to meet someday? Wow, I'd have to choose? Some of them are dead, so that's no good. After reading the Time article about her crisis of faith, I'd love to meet Mother Teresa more than ever.
What makes you feel sexy? My husband.
Who is your real life hero? Also my husband. Many of my girlfriends, too, because of the obstacles they've overcome, and only if you ask someone their story do you find these things out. People amaze me.
What is the hardest part of your job? Being nice.
When are you most relaxed? In bed reading fiction.
What stresses you out? Repetition. Like "Mom, mom, mom..." I mean it really bugs me. Anything repetitious bothers me, it doesn't have to be kids.
What can you not live without? My family and my faith.
Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists? Who, me? I'm the bestest! There's no arguing with that. I'm really humble, too.
Why do you blog? I've always been pathetic at keeping a diary, but blogging includes the internet and pictures, and other people read it, so it's actually more fun this way. Then I can go back later and say, wow, I forgot all about that! Because I do forget everything eventually. Except things that don't even matter.
Who are you tagging? Nobody. I don't even know how to tag people. But if you like this, copy and paste it somewhere.