Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Anyone want to go?

This popped up on a local homeschooling yahoo group. Would anyone like to go if she comes and speaks in Tacoma in September? The suggestion was that dad's could take kids to the zoo in Tacoma while moms learned neat stuff. I think they are looking for lots of people so the cost will be less. If one spouse goes, the other one has to listen to what they learned, that's the deal! :)
Check out the website and I'll post more info if I see it!

It looks like she's combining concepts from Fly Lady, Mother's Rule, and all those other "how to be a good home executive" books I've read and yet none have caught on yet... maybe this one will.

1 comment:

  1. I want to go, but shouldn't. As much as I still want to learn more about mothering and homemaking, attending would send a discouraging message to the DH. And he would never attend a conference for Christian women, even if they would have him.

    If you do attend and get any great materials, could you loan them to us? I think we could use the information, but attendance just wouldn't be appropriate. I love the way they use the story of Mary and Martha as a starting point, to say we need both to give both the serving work and the loving company as parents.


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