Friday, December 26, 2008

Doggy + Baby = EW.

We're babysitting a poodle for the next three days. She's really cute and gray and her name is Suzette. Great poodle name, no?

I brought all her stuff over today, and in a bag were two little stuffed animals she likes to chew on (you can tell by what they look like).

Dominic thinks he's a dog and he's 19 months old. He got down and picked up the stuffed cat in his mouth and walked around with it. Suzette and Dominic are having some jealousy issues. The next thing I know, the dog leaps up and grabs the toy right out of the baby's mouth! I'm SO glad Suzette doesn't bite, so I can get my kids used to her before we get our own dog. That way I can teach them gradually how to act without them having facial scarring! The baby and the dog are also fighting over who my lap belongs to. It obviously does not belong to me.

In other news, the neighbors and I had an impromptu snow-shoveling party down the driveway from us. It's a real steep hill and some folks have been stuck a while, and since someone needed a push anyway, we got out three shovels and some bags of sand, and whooosh! the hill is now maneuverable. Why did we not do this before? Because we THOUGHT it would MELT! It's not supposed to be around anymore. It is way overdue, and I think we got two more inches this afternoon. Then we turned around and shoveled enough to get our beater back in the carport. It took an awful lot of head starts and fishtailing, but in the end, it is back in there, where it belongs, never to leave again til more melting occurs.

Time to cook dinner... laters!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe the snow you all are getting! I hope the kids are having fun. :) Over here, we're looking forward to some sun and warmth later in the week. We're tired of snow.


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