Monday, December 1, 2008

Babies, Babies, Everywhere

Congratulations to all the people I know having babies. We shall proceed herewith the roll call:

One baby was born in October, and her name is Rosie. She is #8 in her family.

Baby Clara was born about six weeks ago, and she is a tiny lil thing with very big, interested eyes, and she can already smile! I swear, I saw it with my own eyes! She is #5.

Baby Emily was born two days after Thanksgiving, and I haven't seen her yet. She is #4. I do believe big brother ordered a boy, but God gives us what we need, not what we want... :)

Another baby is due Any Minute. I saw Mommy yesterday, and she was due that very day. And what was she doing? Fetching a Christmas tree with lots of tromping about in boots! I have not heard of labor yet. She figures it will be another week. I'm dyin' to know the name of that one. They are somewhat creative over there. That will be #5.

Two babies are due in April, and they are #2 and #5, respectively. Then we got a cool announcement on Thanksgiving, mentioning that the turkey in THEIR oven isn't coming out til July. That really cracked me up. That one will be #3.

Oh, and my friend Mary had a baby, but I was told third-hand. I really should send a card. Her second was born not long ago, in CA.

No, I am not getting on the wagon, but thank you for asking. We sometimes think about another adoption, but I think we'll take a year to just relax with what we have currently. With an adoption, we can get what we ordered, since we have one girl and three boys. Otherwise, the two bedrooms will be so tipped to one side, the house will fall over.


1 comment:

  1. I'm loving all of these new babies around. I feel so bad that we aren't organized enough to celebrate properly with gifts and food for these wonderful families. Ah, well, life is supposed to be about learning - this is just one more worthy thing to figure out!


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