Sunday, October 12, 2008

Third Culture Kids

Yes, I did steal this from my favorite blog again. My husband was so thrilled with this website.

When I started reading the "you know you are a TKC when" I immediately recognized the list as a list of things he's said, like "I don't know where 'home' is.". I thought that was interesting. I think military kids, foster kids, or anyone who has moved a lot for whatever reason would benefit from talking to each other. I'm not one of these, but sometimes I do share one thing. I often say I have a "split personality" when it comes to where I'm from and a physical location (not people) that I call home. I love Mendocino, and I spent most of my childhood in Astoria, but I do not love Astoria. Sorry, Astoria. I never did like it when it was near impossible to make friends, and all the fun parts of my childhood, like raising sheep and bring a ranch kid, mostly ended. I still had horses, and that's huge, but it was never the same after the move, when I was eight, nearly nine. In my mind, we have before Astoria, and after Astoria. BA and AA? Ha ha. So in that sense, I do understand the "I don't know where I'm from" thing. I do know where I'm from physically, and it's Mendocino, but my family is in Oregon, and when I see them, I'm also home.
Enjoy the site! Comments and reflections welcome!
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