Friday, October 10, 2008

That's it....

No more watching or reading any news til November 6th.

I'm almost serious about that.

It's really depressing looking and most of it is so slanted, I'm not sure if the truth can be found.
Any opinions on this?

By the way, when I say slanted, I say everyone is slanted one way or another, conservatives, liberals, you name it. Are there any places that simply report the news? I remember as a kid, I could watch the news. I watched Beirut get bombed, for instance. I can remember that. The Berlin Wall fell. It was reporting. Editorials did not happen during the news, they happened during separate shows.


Time to go babysit and have a good ol' appointment day. At least I got the dishes started and my coffee in hand.

Have a great day, and don't watch the news.


  1. SO glad it's not just me. I went through this last election, too. The worst part is, instead of owning up to their failures to report and not editorialize, the media just trivializes the problem or casts it as unsolvable: "You can't avoid some bias, so why even pretend?" is a common theme lately. I think it's part of the cultural shift towards believing everything is subjective or relative, and failing to recognize the existence of objective truth. If there is no such thing as objective truth, how can anyone report objectively?

    But that's just my crazy theory. Who knows if there is any truth to it?

  2. Ha ha ha...
    And yet, erk. You are so right. I think that kind of relativism is truly the problem. I never made the connection between the two, though, so thanks for pointing that out!

    Would you believe my doctor is so excited about Palin, she sort of forgot that I was there for a "woman check", and well, that just wasn't a comfortable position for me to have that conversation in, delightful as it was.
    Ha ha ha ha...


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