Thursday, July 23, 2009

Conscience Clause

Very important.

We're about to see whether Obama really does lie or not, because he said he supported conscience clauses. Nurses are often treated rotten by doctors, but this really beats all. How do I know this? My mom and my MIL are/were both RN's. My mom had me in a hospital about 90 mins or more away from the one she worked in because the one she worked in started doing abortions almost as soon as Roe vs. Wade was decided. She did not want those doctors touching me.

This kind of thing is like if you were a prison guard, doing your normal job, and then they said, "Hey, firing squad execution at high noon, or we'll find someone else to take your job!" It's insane, because other nurses would have done that job. What were they trying to prove? I'm so glad she's suing them, but if the new health plan Obama is pushing includes abortion for all and no conscience clause, many doctors and nurses will be trying to get different careers. After all that school (and debt), hard work and expertise, they will not do abortions, and if that means not being a medical professional, then that is that. Horrible. Entire hospitals may close. But no one has seen the fine print yet, and Mr. Obama did address it, so it is in the media where you can see what he said. We can reform our health system without fully funding abortion, one would think.
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