I saw this link on a homeschooling loop today. Wow. This guy is awesome!
Also, today is the 20th anniversary of the massacre at Tianamen Square. To this day, no one knows for sure what happened, except the people who were there. They are not allowed to talk, so we may never know, unless someday China tells us, or someone smuggles something out of the country. The fear is so great, it appears many children in China do not know what happened. 20 somethings say, "Something happened, but I don't know what. Some sort of clash about capitalism and communism maybe?" No really, I read this. I think it was in Newsweek or something.
I was only 12 at the time. I remember that year because it was quite a year. At roughly the same time, Russia because Russia again, not the USSR I grew up with. The Berlin Wall came down, and there was once again one Germany, and not two.
ISN'T THAT MIND-BLOWING?? Seriously? I barely remember the Cold War, but it was a big deal! Now people don't even care.
It so does not surprise me how fast history repeats itself. People are just not paying attention.
When I was in 4th grade, I had a pen pal from the USSR, probably Vladivostok, since that was our sister city. We were told as a class that we should not be surprised if not all of our letter got to our pen pal, because the mail would be intercepted, and authorities would black out what they didn't want people to know. I have no idea what we could have said. I imagine a trip to Disneyland would be verboten? I don't know. We were also told that pencils with erasers were like gold to these kids. We were told how lucky we were. And we were! And still are! So far....
In any case, here is a link to wikipedia, explaining what we know of what happened 20 years ago in China.
Free speech is so important. Even hate speech. Because anything can be construed as hate speech if you start that slippery slope. We must hold tight to free speech, the right to bear arms, and work on our education. The school systems are teaching us to be ashamed of our country, and they are wrong. But people believe it and don't know history. Always check out the facts from differing points of view. It is so very important, and getting more so as people get more vitriolic in their views, and use their brains less.
God Bless America, where at least I know I'm free, to coin a phrase from a song.
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