Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Our Newest Arrival for Thanksgiving

After much cussing out of pregnancy tests that were indecisive, a little over a week ago we found out we are expecting child #5. I love saying that, because I always feel like I'm lying. Ready for the explanation? Really?

Ok, don't say I didn't warn you!

This is pregnancy #6. I have four children. One is adopted. So I have had three live births, two in heaven, and one more on the way, we hope. I "cheated" with child #2, because he did not come from my body. While it took a while to "have" him, I have to say, there was no physical pain involved. Kind of nice, actually.

Two miscarriages occurred in 2005 and 2006. They were awful. The first wasn't so bad, but made us sad, nonetheless. The second involved huge blood clots over and over, a drive to the nearby hospital, and an emergency D&C surgery with my blood pressure dropping fast. You never want to say, "Hey, I feel funny," have them check your vitals in the ER, and then have them drop everything and talk rather quickly to the other nurses, who hush him up so they won't scare me. Then off I went upstairs for surgery. DH was outside telling people what was going on on the phone, and almost didn't get there before they wheeled me away. When I woke up, everything was physically ok, and for that I am thankful. I have been introduced to grief, and that has helped me understand others much better than before.

I know some other people have had worse experiences than this. I could continue, but I think I won't, because this is supposed to be a happy post.

We are very happy that we are having one, though I can't say it was really our idea. Really, it's not the baby that scares me, it's the birth. Babies are great! I love kids! The kids have been begging for another kid lately, and they must have been praying, because I would say God was listening.

We use NFP, and I was charting and mostly avoiding pregnancy, and then I was taking some topical hormones to treat another condition which is probably TMI (too much information!), but I may post about it someday, as it is quite educational. Too many ointments means I didn't read my signs right, and possibly my whole cycle shifted, and so here we are.

For the last child, I found out my body did not produce enough progesterone to keep the placenta alive, and so I needed supplements. I took progesterone until week 22, and that's why Dominic is alive and well. So I'm on it again, and getting my blood checked very other week til that level goes through the roof, at which point we'll know my placenta has kicked in naturally.

My other worry is bronchitis. I have the worst time breathing toward the end. It's worse with each kid. But now I have an inhaler, so I hope to stave that off. I also have been exercising, and am able to run a mile still. I hope that will keep my body strong.

Back labor is my absolute worst nightmare. Gabe and Dominic both did this to me. Grace did not. That's why, after Grace, I thought, Oh, I can do that again, that wasn't too bad. But I did NOT think that after Dominic. I thought, NEVER AGAIN. But now what? Well, with three kids, I've done midwife water births in a birth facility. I loved the personal attention and flexibility and amazing care I got. I highly recommend it. I had NO drugs. May I add that Dominic is my linebacker baby at 9 lbs. 10 oz? Coming out sunny side up? That means his spine against my spine. That's not the right way, in case you were wondering. Not as bad as breech, probably, but not fun. For him, either. He came out bruised and scratched from my pelvis and his long, two weeks overdue fingernails! But he looked cute in a week or so.

So this time, I'm trying out a doctor two friends recommend. I get to meet him on Friday, early in the pregnancy, because I've raised so much heck about the progesterone. And a hospital I like, which is at least a Catholic hospital which has treated people I know well. I still would rather go back to my midwife friends, but I won't know if back labor lies in wait for me until I'm in labor. That's a bad time to change your mind about who is in charge and where you will be. So I will try this, and that way I can stop worrying about a lack of pain meds if back labor it is to be. I know it could still not quite work, but I'm willing to chance it. It sounds like this doc will listen when I say I don't want a c-section unless things are just ridiculous. I have given birth three times. My body knows how, and I think it will be fine. I just need doctors who understand that.

It's nice to write this all down. Thanks for putting up with me.

Looks like we're due Thanksgiving Day. July is probably when I can say if it's a boy or a girl. I had a terrible time naming the last one, so please pray we agree on SOMETHING! If it's a girl, that would be helpful!

But healthy would be the best, and we'll keep praying for that!
Thank you God, for giving me what is best for me, not what I think is best for me.


  1. Congrats, Anne Marie. I will pray that things go smoothly for you. I'm so impressed you may have 5. We are westling with the idea of maybe trying to have 3.

  2. Congratulations! I am a cousin-in-law to Adam and Holly from Vale and at times follow your blog. I love it! I will keep you in my prayers.

    I know what you are talking about, I have had back labor with both of my children, not fun! I also can identify with treating another health issue and wow, look your pregnant. That is how we came to have our red-headed beauty, Samantha Rose. :)

  3. Thanks guys! And good luck Holly. Each is a decision, or an openness, or whatever. Thanks, Yardley Momma for writing! It's nice to know that some people read here. I'll try to be more diligent about writing here instead of on Facebook! :)


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