Tuesday, February 17, 2009


It's almost here! What shall I do???

My friend Holly says that on Fridays, they try to turn out all the lights starting at 3pm and then use candles and go to bed early. I liked that idea. I also want to actually make it to the soup suppers and things they do at our church. I never make it to those things. I wonder if I will this year.

My friend Adrianne tells me it's a great time to actually attempt the Rosary every night and see if it will stick. The kids are all for it, it's their mom who's a bit recalcitrant.

Speaking of Rosary, this is how it went last week:

It might be a REALLY good time for me to conquer a to-do list and offer it up to God. I think that is my main thing. And maybe I should put a quarter in a jar for every time I yell at the kids for no really good reason. Then I can pay off that vacation from last summer, I bet. Hmmm....

I decided that I would like very much to watch our Lord of the Rings DVD collection during Lent with my husband. Obviously, the story of Christianity is very deeply interwoven in the stories of Middle Earth. But also, the sheer tenacity and determination in the face of the whole world telling you you can't possibly do something you know you must do, is what everyone needs to see. I've become more and more convicted that this is not the first time the world has gone mad. Sometimes amazing people have to stand up for what is right, even if they feel all alone.

40 Days for Life in my town starts on Ash Wednesday, too. Pray, pray unceasingly. It has now spread to several countries, and is becoming bigger all the time. I intend to be there, but I have to work out the details. I've decided that bringing kids is a bit much most days, unless it's a big gathering or vigil.

God, help us to love you so very much during this Lenten season. Pray, my friends. It's all we can really do, and it may ultimately be what matters most.


  1. Love the rosary with the kids. I'm impressed that they like to pray it. We have not yet attempted it as a family. I love the idea of watching Lord of the Rings. Thanks for the comment about gardening. You are right, one step at a time. I can do this!

  2. I've done the daily Rosary during Lent for a few years now and it hasn't stuck yet - but I've always been on my own, outside of family life. This year I will probably involve the kids a bit more, and I wouldn't be surprised if that does the trick. Like your family, our children love prayer - and while they aren't old enough to sit through the full Rosary for the most part, they may still push me to start it and pray it while they drift in and out between the Rosary and prayer.

    I like to start the Rosary the Monday before Lent and do a 54-day novena. It ends right before Divine Mercy Sunday (the Sunday after Easter), so for the last 9 days of the Rosary Novena I'm praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet as a novena as well. DH has prayed the Rosary precisely once, and that was on our wedding day because I was working on this Novena when we married.

    Hrm . . . I just thought of an affordable anniversary gift or birthday gift he could give me this year. I'm going to suggest it to him :-D

    The other Lenten thing we're doing is fasting from leaven. Homemade bread for all!

    Oh, and let me know when you go out for prayer vigils for 40DFL. I'll probably be willing to join you much of the time, provided DH will take the kids. I'm not sure I want to encourage a repeat of "Please don't drink from the gutters".


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