Monday, April 14, 2008

yet again, a change of hubby's schedule

"Hi Hon, I have bad news."
I still twitch when he says that. It used to be "My contract is ending, time to job hunt again."
Now it's, "My schedule is changing, would you like this, or this?". So I have no right to whine.
But still. With one car, I have hopes of making appts and keeping them. So now instead of job hunting, it's time for serious car hunting.
For inquiring minds, we are changing to Sunday-Thursday, 7-3. Friday and Saturday off.
The good news is, they say this will be for two months. And we'll be gone for 10 days of it.
Anyone know of a cheap Toyota? I put three emails into craigslist. We don't have money to pay for lots of repairs or upkeep, and we're aiming for the $3000 range.
It needs to be a commuter and go mostly to the park and ride, but sometimes an hour commute each way.
Any suggestions? We know about NW Auto Trader, too.
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