Friday, September 11, 2009

Good Ol' September

Well, September has hit, but it's going better than I thought it would. It is crazy, don't get me wrong. We have soccer and scouts, and sometimes that means that my poor, long-suffering husband goes to work at 5am and when he gets back at 4, has a break and then runs out the door to pick up soccer eldest child and take him to a scout meeting late because well, we can't quite bi-locate. But that's only til the end of soccer, and only twice or three times a month. However, the oldest child will have soccer games right up til a week before my due date. So if I get an early baby this time, well, won't that be exciting? :)

I've started grading for MODG again, and it's going quite well so far. I've graded the papers sent me so far, so that's also good. I'm not behind yet! The families seem nice. I even got one back from a previous year. I'm grading 10th grade ancient history and lit, and one 10th grade religion. I have 15 students. Some are very cool. I am especially excited to hear from one who will be attending the canonization of Fr. Damien from Hawaii, which will take place in October.

My brain has been very full lately. That's why I like lists so much. Politics still take up a lot of my brain, but I post here less because Facebook is so much easier. Besides, a lot of my Facebook friends are people who don't necessarily see things my way, and that leads to some really cool discussions online, and some mind-growing on both sides. I really see that as valuable time, because the news on tv makes things seem like something different than they are. I like to find out how people think, and why they think that way, rather than just saying "they're just stoopid" because we differ. Even if it's a non-negotiable to me, like abortion, I'd still rather have the discussion than be dismissive. Too many people are dismissive of myself and my ilk, and how am I to be judged then, if I won't listen to them, either? Two wrongs don't make a right. More discussion is always better.

So, I could go on and on, but I won't. I'm annoyed with the total relativism which is now called "telling the truth" on so many levels, it makes me want to cry. So my only commentary is "always read the fine print" and "trust no one without reading it yourself".

Too bad so much of it is pages and pages long.

Actually, you know what? I think politics and professional sports are almost the same thing now. Incredibly overpaid, disconnected from the "commoners", and not "real" in a real life sense. Both are made up worlds which have almost nothing to do with me or anyone I know! Isn't it weird how far it's gone?

The baby seems to be doing well inside. My husband reminded me that my pregnancy with Grace was WAY better than with either boy, and that is very true. So I guess it might really be a girl, because I'm really doing quite well. I have another OB appt. on Monday, so that's exciting.

Yesterday was Brandon's birthday. He was excited for a month in advance, which makes me realize where child abuse comes from. Sorry, that's probably too honest, but AAGHHH... when he anticipates something, every single habit I thought we'd broken comes back times 10. Yesterday we had two things for his birthday that made it better, neither of which I planned: his first Tiger den meeting, and also free (did I say free?) tickets to the Barnum and Bailey Circus. We were up til 10:30 pm and the night before was Rosary, so they are pretty tired kids today. Gabe took a nap, and he is nine. But Brandon and Grace didn't. Darn.

Now that his birthday has happened, and he's opened his presents, he is a new, much nicer kid. He homeschooled nicely this morning, and I'm encouraged by his interest level for reading and math. I'm not sure how much to rave about the programs yet, it being only week 2, but I'm very excited anyway.

Tomorrow is a birthday picnic party, and Brandon will be having fun at the park and his sister and her mom will come. I'm glad they always make it to our party, and it's so good to see them together. Also coming: Mariah!! Mariah was returned to her birthmom about three weeks ago, and we miss her, as does the family who cared for her for 2.5 years. We're excited that they still have enough contact to have her over for our party! We're also excited that her half brother is now free for adoption as of this week, and we can't wait for an adoption party!! So much news lately.

Oh, and thanks to the NikePlus iPod thingy and my husband's dedication after some bad cholesterol numbers last winter, we can proudly say that diet and especially exercise MATTER. His mom and dad both have heart problems, but while his dad gets exercise, his mom really doesn't. You simply have GOT to make lifestyle changes and stick to them, and that's what my wonderful man did. I do know that some people cannot beat it no matter what, for some reason, but I do want to share our success in order to show how worth it it is.

In January 2009, we started going to the gym and really working on taking care of ourselves. And then, right after the St. Patrick's Day run, I found out I was pregnant. Oh well, put that off mostly for another year. I have been trying to get out and walk a lot, though. I need to get to that gym I've been paying for.

Here are the stats for my wonderful husband:
April 09 September 09 Normal Range

LDL 207 LDL 131 3-130 mg/dL
HDL 37 HDL 31 less than 40 mg/dL
Total cholesterol: 305 218 150-240 mg/dL
Tryglyceride: 306 279 30-200 mg/dL

all of these are bad. all good except tri

This is such good news. I'd rather he never got on those horrible medications, because of the side affects, and we both believe the less chemicals in one's body the better, from psych meds to birth control. Hey, at least we're consistent.

So that's all the news right now!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it's been almost a week since I visited your blog! I guess this last week *was* pretty busy.

    I hear you on Facebook conversations. I'm really bad about getting in people's comments and saying, "Y'know, I think you've got the other side wrong. Here is how they see themselves." More and more, I'm starting to believe that this country needs both the liberal and the conservative perspectives to flourish, and I'm getting rather frustrated with some of the "conversation ending" tactics people use without even realizing it, in an attempt to "win".

    On the other side, I'm pretty happy with how many people are willing to discuss stuff and challenge their previously held positions. And I'm enjoying the challenges to my own pre-conceived notions.

    I'm really glad to hear that Francis' exercise is paying off for his health. It's been neat to watch his running times improving, too. It's great encouragement for any of us who have never been that good at aerobic stuff.


I love comments! Especially thoughtful ones.