What Dominic does to dr. kits

Grace, Cohen and Moira feeding the fire

Quinn gave Brandon a bow and arrow he made. Oh joy.

Showin' off video of silly kids

Gabe and his girls in the hammock. The favorite game was to tip all your friends out of the hammock and laugh your head off.

Two of our biggest kids with all the little ones. The Cross family needs their land cleared for horses anyway, right?
Wow! I am posting regularly! This is the first time I've ever really done so.
Here are some pictures of the party AFTER first communion for Gabe. The actual communion pics are still on my camera, but these are neat and our friends, the Ross's, have a mac website they upkeep rather well, and I'm allowed to get pics off of there. And that is actually less time consuming than my own pics. I'm so lazy.
The Cross's, Wieber's and del Rosario's had a party on Saturday at the Cross's house in the country, and we all loved every minute. See below! Thanks, Cross's!!!!